Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's the End of the World AsWe Know It - Why Eschatology Part 2

Previously we discussed the initial purposes for even discussing eschatology as a subject and why many avoid it all together. The modern Church’s obsession with all things “apocalyptic” has made a more intelligent and doctrinal discussion on the matter more difficult. But, as we saw, Scripture is replete with passages dedicated to the subject and a solid, full-orbed Biblical student must try to scratch the surface of this seemingly perplexing subject.

Perhaps the difficulty lies in finding out just how eschatology fits into ones over theological and doctrinal standard and how, or if, eschatology impacts ones views. It is toward this direction we will now turn.

It is my belief that eschatology, at least the basic assumptions necessary to come to a particular eschatological view will have a great impact on ones doctrinal, theological, apologetical, political, sociological and economic views. It can also impact when one argues certain books of the Bible were written and their underlying purpose. Salvation, evangelism and church government can be impacted and even seemingly unrelated views like credo or paedo-baptism and communion can involve ones views on eschatology.

Maybe it’s worth a cursory discussion after all?

Please note I will be making an argument based on one worldview being consistently lived. This is not always the case (seldom the case?), but if one consistently lives out their beliefs, what direction or actions might one take depending on their eschatology? So, for the sake of this discussion I am making an argument presupposing a consistent worldview lifestyle. Also, this discussion may take several postings to work our way through. The reason here is not to necessarily make a case for one view over the other (though the personal convictions of the writer will undoubtedly shine through), but rather show that “Eschatology Does Matter.”

If one has a more optimistic view of the future (one where there is no future Great Tribulation), you may have a greater chance to possess an optimistic view of sociological, economical and political futures. If your eschatological view is one in which the world is not “going to hell in a hand basket” and the end is not “just around the corner” you may find yourself (if you are consistent) doing things with long term positive implications. Can society be changed through an effective representation of the Gospel (word and deed) or is the world on an unstoppable downward spiral to Armageddon with no relief in sight? Is it possible that ones eschatological would allow a sense of social injustice?

If the Rapture truly is on the near horizon, why would one “waste their time” trying to improve the conditions of South Central LA, plant new trees in a run down park or picket an abortion clinic? Many do, but are they being consistent? If it is God’s ordained plan that the world grow progressively worse why would one want to thwart that downward spiral by doing things to actually improve the sociological condition in a particular society? I am glad many are inconsistent, but it remains true that their eschatology does impact how they view society. Here you would find the words of J Vernon McGee ringing true as he want to say “you don’t polish brass on a sinking ship…” Can ones eschatology actually lead one to a sort of sociological lethargy?

So, one view actually finds positive expression in a soon coming societal disaster or inevitable decline of social standards. One popular teacher put it this way…”As the day grows darker my heart grows brighter.” There is to be seen a positive spin on the current sociological situation. An opposing view, though, may see a bright future based on their theological leanings. For our discussion today it is not a matter of who may be right or wrong, but rather that ones eschatology impacts their sociological outlook. Do you have an eschatology of “Cultural Victory” or “Cultural Surrender?”

As a side note here, one may want to consider how it also impacts your view of the environment. If the Rapture is around the corner, would it not be consistent to have no concern about the environment?

Though closely tied to the above circumstance ones economic outlook can also be impacted by ones eschatology. This would also involve how one may spend their money and the long and short term implications.

Someone may look at a snapshot of a few days, weeks or even years (a vapor against the backdrop of history) of their or the world’s economic outlook and view it through the lens of how that current situation may possibly be related to Bible Prophecy. Bad economic times may portend to be a lynch pin that sets off a soon coming time of tribulation, one world government and a cashless society. This scenario has played itself out in countless novels, paperbacks, sermons and conferences created by Bible prophecy gurus. The soon coming “Mark of the Beast” has been related to a cashless society and the Social Security system for over half a century. One Prophecy Expert related the word VISA to the number 666. Another proclaimed that a microchip will be placed inconspicuously under the skin of ones hand or forehead – seemingly fulfilling a chilling section of Revelation 13.

But along with the Tribulational scenarios, how one views economics and how one spends their money can be directly tied to ones eschatology. An example would include sending money to an organization that helps Jews relocate to the Holy land. Though nothing may be wrong with using your money in that way, it is most definitely derived from a particular eschatological view.

On the other hand, if the current economic situation is one of natural ebbs and flows and market dictates and is not tied to a soon coming Tribulational scenario, then even a complete economic meltdown disaster does not need to play into any eschatological framework. One can also take heart that it is not the inevitable outcome for all of mankind’s soon coming obliteration. If one particular eschatological view was in vogue (as it is now) during the depression, one must wonder what kind of response the Church would have had to that economic crisis?

With the political impact discussion we will close for today as this blog is getting a little longer than anticipated. But since the political impact is so closely related to the above mentioned ones it will be best to include it here.

More than any other sociological (non-theological) topic discussed, one politics may be influenced by ones eschatology in a more severe and obvious than any other. This shows itself in many different ways, both directly related to a eschatological view and also by the presuppositions and doctrinal standards of those views.

The most blatant example of this is currently finding a foothold in American Evangelicalism. That is the idea that current President-Elect of the United States is in fact the Antichrist of Revelation (ironically the term Antichrist is conspicuous by it’s absence in the aforementioned book). But the lack of evidence for these bold proclamations has not let Prophecy Experts and students continue undaunted. A quick google of “Obama” and “antichrist” will reveal over one million results. This potential accusation can only make sense within a particular eschatological view.

The adherents are determining their political views of an individual as it directly pertains to their understanding of a certain Biblical ideas related to eschatology. How you vote and who you vote for is directly tied to ones eschatology in this situation. Obama is not the first to be tagged with the antichrist or beast label. He has merely joined the likes of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Adolph Hitler, Prince Charles and a host of others too numerous to mention.

Again, the issue isn’t whether they are right or wrong, but is stated to make the case that eschatology does have an impact on one politics.

This also shows itself in even important political decision making in regards to Israel. Since one particular view highly values Israel as that nation relates to seeming Biblical prophecies in the Middle East. It is, we are told, fundamental to believe that Israel is an exclusively different country and we must, without any equivocation, support and defend Israel in everything she does. One popular teacher went so far as to proclaim that one’s one eternal destination is determined by how you come down on the question of Israel. This popular view has impacted even the United States own foreign relations and policy!

What about voting and how one votes? Like how one views society and their economic future, ones eschatology can have a great impact on ones voting record. Imagine the quandary. There you are at the voting booth firmly believing that one particular candidate is the Antichrist. Do you vote for him and, in doing so, hasten the Day of the Lord? Or do you vote against him and, by doing so, attempt to thwart the sovereign purpose of the Lord of Host? What a sticky wicket! Seriously, though, is it too far fetched to believe someone may cast their vote based on a candidate’s view of this nation’s relationship with Israel? What about voting against a candidate because he may support a “smart card” identification system and that ties in directly to a possible “end times” scenario. I recall many who opposed Hillary Clinton’s Health reform tours of the mid-90’s not because the idea of nationalized health care is foolish and dangerous, but because they feared the “National Health Card” would be used as an end times tracking device like a “mark” of sorts for the soon coming one world government.

On the other hand, an opposing view may simply see politics as like the economic situation as ebbs and flows of God’s preordained human history. Nations rise and nations fall, but they don not necessarily play into any eschatological end times scenario. Israel is just like any other pagan nation and should not receive any special treatment because of their supposed influence on the soon coming Great Tribulation. One may argue that voting should be done based on political, moral, ethical and yes, Biblical standards.

One last political danger is the continuing problem of “giving back” the gains made by our forefathers and predecessors. Cultural Surrender has led to political surrender. The Church has given ground on political issues accepting the lie that politics is a neutral endeavor and one group cannot legislate it’s morality on to another? The Church has huddled back into its safety corner, circled the wagons and surrendered it’s rights. Later the case will be made this happened as a result of the influence of one particular eschatological view. But that is more than enough for now.Next time we will look at how eschatology impacts Doctrine, Evangelism, Apologetics, Presupposed Worldviews and the Church.

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